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Alcantarilla News - June 2017

detail of Alcantarilla
  • Sewer prohibits acts of neo-Nazi groups in the municipality (30/06/2017)

  • We can denounce that the Administration disregard of the Sanje Sewer IES (29/06/2017)

  • The Alcantarilla Early Care Center serves 80 children with developmental problems or risk of suffering them (27/06/2017)
    Violante Tomás visited the center today and declared that the Community finalizes the Decree that regulates this service
  • Red Cross presents its first basic life support ambulance for Alcantarilla (27/06/2017)

  • Manuel Ruiz Pérez "Manolico" already gives name to a sports facility, that of the football field and athletics track in Alcantarilla (27/06/2017)
    49 years dedicated to base soccer and sports schools, an institution for everyone who has played football In Alcantarilla and a lifetime with his team the Nueva Vanguardia Club
  • The students in the ESO room of the IES Sanje presented to the mayor the work done "For a Center Without Barriers Education" project to eliminate architectural barriers and awareness in this Institute (22/06/2017)

  • Today we have counted in Alcantarilla with the service of INFOmobile of the Institute of Promotion of the Region of Murcia (22/06/2017)

  • The parties of the neighborhood of Cabezo Verde arrive, in Alcantarilla, in honor to San Juan Bautista (21/06/2017)
    From the 19 to the 25 of June, on Friday 23 the proclamation of the same will be realized the Mayor of Alcantarilla, Joaquín Buendía
  • 150 young entrepreneurs donate their benefits to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (19/06/2017)

  • The Alcantarilla Merchants Association and the Regional Association of Numerous Families of the Region of Murcia (FANUMUR) sign a collaboration agreement (19/06/2017)
    to favor with their purchases in the shops of Alcantarilla
  • The president of the CROEM presented the number 35 of the magazine Cangilón, of the Association of Friends of the Museum of the Huerta de Alcantarilla (19/06/2017)
    The same in this edition is dedicated to the paprika, as monographic, being our Region cradle of this product
  • The Association of Merchants delivers the motorcycle you raffled, within the campaign "Buy in local commerce ... .. and take this bike", which have been carried out in 47 merchants associated. The winner of the draw held on 31 May has been (19/06/2017)

  • The transparency portal of Alcantarilla City Hall receives the second prize in the III Awards for Innovation and Good Practices of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (17/06/2017)

  • Culture will begin after the summer the works to recover the Bridge of Pilas of Alcantarilla (17/06/2017)
    Councilor Javier Celdrán visits the municipality to know the status of this Cataloged Good in which the Community will invest 110,000 euros
  • The mayor congratulates the manager of the Blukids store, PAY2 Moda Infantil, for his recent Mercury Trade Award (17/06/2017)

  • Juan Antonio Mata, new councilor of the Popular Party in Alcantarilla, replacing Laura Sandoval when passing to the regional government like general director of Planning of the Territory, Architecture and Housing (16/06/2017)
    Mata receives the delegation of Public Safety, Works and Services, while the Urbanism competitions join the councilman Juan Manuel Gómez
  • The Community will ask the Ministry of Public Works to start work to define the integration of the AVE in Alcantarilla (13/06/2017)
    The Minister of Presidency meets with the Mayor of Alcantarilla to analyze the progress of the projects for the connection of high speed with Almería
  • The director general visits the facilities of the regional emergency services at the Alcantarilla Air Base (08/06/2017)
    The general director of Public Safety and Emergencies visits the facilities of the regional emergency services at the Air Base of Alcantarilla
  • The mayor of Alcantarilla inaugurates the installations of the Higher Institute of Professional Training Claudio Galeno Emergencias y Protección Civil (06/06/2017)
    located in the Industrial Park of Alcantarilla Oeste
  • The mayor meets in Fomento, with the secretary general of the Ministry and the director general of Planning of the Territory, Architecture and Housing (05/06/2017)


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