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Alcantarilla News - November 2013

detail of Alcantarilla
  • CDL: "I Mellado tide toshers entrevías with dancing, sport market first and then" (29/11/2013)
    "The Mayor's Party seems to just any formula that allows you to close the party room access for vehicles"
  • Sewer commemorates the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25/11/2013)

  • CDL claims to know the studies for the implementation of the tram line 4 between Murcia and Sewer (25/11/2013)
    While in the capital announced with great fanfare the project progress Sewer PP remains oblivious to defend the interests of the neighbors
  • Emergency services were unable to do anything to save the life of a person who died in a fire at a home in Sewell (25/11/2013)

  • CDL claims that the publication of the salaries of public officials and their spending on mobile phones (21/11/2013)
    The motion filed quarterly publication also claims the status of implementation of budgets and municipal grant recipients
  • GAVVA organized a cleanup of solid waste from the right bank of the River Segura (21/11/2013)
    On passing through the hamlet of Water Salah
  • Sewer Monday mark the international day for the elimination of gender violence (19/11/2013)

  • HUERMUR claims that the new round of La Nora has lasted less than three years (18/11/2013)
    has begun to lose buckets and could jeopardize the assembly to be missing fasteners and gaskets
  • UPyD Sewer IBI rising criticism "as a means to pay the debts of the Consistory" (16/11/2013)

  • The City Sewer has signed an agreement with Catalunya Banc (15/11/2013)

  • The Sewer Full Council initially approved the draft budget of the Corporation for 2014 (15/11/2013)
    With the votes in favor of the Popular Party and against opposition groups
  • IU-Greens vote against Sewer budgets for 2014 (14/11/2013)
    The mayor, Carmen Maria Pina, are considered away from socioeconomic reality, and warns that taxes go up
  • The Secretary General of Industry and SMEs visit PLASBEL (13/11/2013)

  • Tax regulations that will finance the Information Commission today (11/11/2013)

  • UPyD Sewer administratively demanding documents relating to emissions Derivatives Chemical Company SA (08/11/2013)

  • Visit of the Minister of Education, Universities and Employment (05/11/2013)

  • The Young Entrepreneurs Guadalentin HERO visit facilities in Sewell (04/11/2013)
    visit attendees learned about HERO facilities for a meeting with its CEO, Sergio Elizalde

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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