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The Hero visit CB Murcia Spain (24/03/2009)

A representation of Basketball Club Murcia, composed of players Lamont Barnes, Jesse Young and Capt. Oscar Garcia, plus sporting director Paco Guillem, also joined this afternoon at Raceway, where the company's facilities Hero Spain, which is working with the first team this season.

And there are expected to welcome the Director of Marketing Philip Merchant, Director of Human Resources Encarna Guirao, the Event Manager Pedro Martinez and the workers, could also take photos with the players and autographs.

And is that the presence of troops of Saddam generated great excitement, as pointed out by the Director of Marketing of Hero Spain, Philip Mercer: "We are not accustomed to this type of athletes come here to the company, we just had an experience years ago with Fernando Alonso, also at the beginning of his career maintained a relationship with him.

People, usually, this type of event like it. "

With regard to the economic contribution Hero Spain has this campaign with the CB Murcia, Mercader is very pleased: "The site we have chosen to advertising under the baskets is a good place and sometimes has gone to press and TV. "

Finally, as an anecdote to emphasize that Lamont Barnes and Oscar Garcia received a lot of baby products, as the former parent of a child is one year and the second will be released in this new phase soon.

Source: CB Murcia

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