Portal de Alcantarilla


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detail of Alcantarilla


The council awarded in early October to perform the work plan of cooperation works and municipal services (31/07/2011)

These Plans of Cooperation Works and Municipal Services, by 2011, come through the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Autonomous Region of Murcia, with funding from the City Sewer, the Autonomous Region Murcia and the Government of Spain, three performances that include a map to our town in a lump sum of € 265,708.

The work planned by the City Council for next year are the PUBLIC LIGHTING REPLACEMENT in Calle Ramón y Cajal, with an investment of € 108,871.98, with the recent completion of the renovation of potable water and sewerage paving roads and sidewalks in street paving Ramón y Cajal, it is now the replacement of lighting the stretch from the street Legaz Mayor Jose Jara Carrillo to the square, with lighting energy efficiency and innovative design, 22 lamps 4, 5 m and 100 w fixture Platika IEP and other CLA-16 12 columns of four meters.

This project prepared by the industrial engineer, Marcelino Olmos Carrasco.

The same plan includes the REPLACEMENT OF STREET LIGHTING, Calle AVIATION AND PLAZA DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA, amounting to € 88,872.15, draft prepared by the industrial engineer, Antonio Matias Solano Albaladejo, for the adaptation deficit lighting at the entrance to Industrial Park "West," by the Las Tejeras and like the previous work, this will also have a lighting efficiency, with 21 lamps and luminaires 8 meters Modula Mazda 150 w and other columns 20 feet high and 70 fittings w Philips Vision City in an area that has been recently remodeled with the works of the collector to collect rainwater from the Plaza Don Quijote de la Mancha, this work will be enhanced with the BUILDING SIDEWALKS ON THE STREETS OF AVIATION, amounting to € 68,000.

The deputy mayor of Works and Services, Cristóbal García Morata, has also announced the work being done to condition the vehicle entrance to the College of Special Education "Eusebio Martinez" in Polo Medina Street and the pedestrian street connects the sports hall square "Association of Friends of Indoor Soccer" in Entrevías with Dr. José Capel Street and Plaza Adolfo Suarez.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla

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