Portal de Alcantarilla


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detail of Alcantarilla


Intensified monitoring of the weekly markets at the proliferation of unlicensed sellers (06/07/2011)

Police have intensified local sewer monitoring the weekly markets at the proliferation of unlicensed vendors and to theft to users.

Several weekly patrols are checking the license for all jobs with the intent to check for any illegal sales have hurt the municipal authority to settle, being lifted up and removed all those who do not have such authorization.

Also, the seized goods is being transferred to an impound lot to verify the provenance of it, that there shall always return your property properly.

If such goods are perishable and not collected by its alleged owner, will be handed to charities.

AGENTS OF PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIAL UNITS OF LOCAL POLICE AUXILIARY DRAIN TO TWO CHILDREN THAT was unconscious after drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages in the C / FELIX RODRIGUEZ DE LA FUENTE of this population.

Agents of the Special Units of Public Safety Local Sewer Police have aided two minors who were unconscious after drinking lots of alcohol in the C / Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente of this population.

After receiving a telephone call, the agents moved to the site by checking how the two children were in a deplorable condition, being warned of an Emergency Medical Unit (EMU), which person in that place.

It is the transferring of both the City Health "Virgen de la Arrixaca" giving notice to the family later to bring to your attention the facts.

Source: Policía Local de Alcantarilla

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