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Alcantarilla City Council and AMUSAL subscribe a collaboration agreement for the next two years (29/06/2018)

Both institutions, propose cooperation and collaboration for the joint implementation of measures for the promotion, promotion and development of viable businesses, generators in solidarity of wealth and employment that contribute to the development of the municipality and improving the quality of life of their citizens

Alcantarilla will be one of the municipalities selected as headquarters to execute the European Social Fund Project (ESF) "Action for Entrepreneurship in Murcia"

Yesterday in the Town Hall of Alcantarilla, the mayor Joaquín Buendía and the president of the Association of Social Economy Companies of the Region of Murcia AMUSAL, have signed a collaboration agreement for the next two years.

Both institutions, propose cooperation and collaboration for the joint implementation of measures for the promotion, promotion and development of viable businesses, generators in solidarity of wealth and employment that contribute to the development of the municipality and improving the quality of life of their citizens.

For the mayor of Alcantarilla, "it is of great interest the development and promotion of the Social Economy in general and of the Labor Societies, the Cooperatives and other companies owned by their workers in particular, as well as the development of initiatives and actions for the maintenance and the joint creation of wealth and employment in the municipality, which is why it was proposed to support the development of business projects and entrepreneurial initiatives, through the development of actions aimed at accompanying and supporting all those interested in starting up a business idea, that contributes to the socioeconomic development and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens ".

For the development of the objectives that are marked in the agreement signed, AMUSAL, is committed to provide the Information, Training and Advice, necessary for the improvement of the qualification of those people who choose to promote their own company.

Direct and individualized attention to entrepreneurs, aimed at promoting the creation of businesses and self-employment, especially that of women and immigrants.

The Advice and Information for the incorporation of the interested ones to the labor market, and to self-employment.

The realization of Courses, Conferences or Informative Talks about the Social Economy in general, and about the Labor Companies and other companies owned by their workers in particular.

The design of training courses aimed at those interested in the creation and start-up of their own company, to facilitate their incorporation into the labor market on their own, in viable companies.

As well as offer participation in all those training programs that AMUSAL plans to develop in the Municipality.

The advice in business management for the consolidation of viable social economy enterprises in the municipality.

At the same time as any other activity, which in the line of the previous ones could contribute to a better labor insertion of the citizens and to the improvement of the competitiveness of the companies of the Municipality.

Regarding the commitments of the Sewer City Council, it is committed to collaborate with AMUSAL in the development of all the sections foreseen in this Agreement, such as providing information on economic and business agents that allows AMUSAL to better understand the situation of the partner -economic of the municipality and meet the purposes of the agreement.

Carry out the communication, diffusion and necessary publicity of this agreement.

Collaborate in specific awareness campaigns to promote entrepreneurial capacity and the emergence of viable business initiatives in the Municipality.

Make available to AMUSAL, according to its availability, the premises and adequate facilities for the development of the planned activities.

Support, promote and enhance the development strategies of the Social Economy in the Municipality, within their availability and participate, as far as possible, in the projects that AMUSAL proposes to develop in the municipality.

The Association of Social Economy Companies of the Region of Murcia, AMUSAL, as a Business Organization, in its capacity as Social Agent and Representative Organization of Labor Companies and other companies owned by its workers, has as its Mission, the defense, promotion and consolidation of labor companies and other business models of the Social Economy, aimed at improving the competitiveness of companies, the quality of life of their partners and workers and the projection of the Social Economy Values ​​to the whole of society.

Positions directly to develop the collaboration agreement, in parallel has also signed the first of the annexes thereof, in which AMUSAL, through the Cameral Foundation Foundation for the Creation and Development of the Company (INCYDE), will develop in the Region of Murcia, the European Social Fund (ESF) Project "Action for Entrepreneurship in Murcia" (EMPA) throughout the year 2,017 and during the first semester of 2,018, being Alcantarilla one of the localities selected as the headquarters for execute said program that tomorrow will start Saturday.

The purpose of the Project is to promote the entrepreneurial culture with actions focused on training, mentoring and mentoring so that the target groups materialize a business and professional plan.

The objective of the global action is to reach 600 vulnerable people in the labor market, with marked difficulties of access to employment or at risk of exclusion, through the celebration of motivation and awareness days.

Of these, the 240 that will participate in training and mentoring actions will be selected, with the aim that at least 20% (48) take the step of creating their own company.

AMUSAL will develop the informative days and the following sewage training workshops, to the people selected among all those who have expressed their previous interest in participating, as long as the minimum number of participants established in the project's report is met for each one. of the activities described here: Workshop 1: Business creativity;

Workshop 2: Entrepreneurship and my entrepreneurial self;

Workshop 3: Personal skills and abilities to undertake;

Workshop 4: Business idea;

Workshop 5: The project on its own;

Workshop 6: Basic finance applied to entrepreneurship;

Workshop 7: Types of companies, procedures and resources for the creation of companies;

Workshop 8: Technologies as a basic tool for entrepreneurship.

Collaborating the Alcantarilla City Council with AMUSAL in the dissemination and promotion of the ApEM Project, making it reach potential beneficiaries, using all means, human and material, that are necessary for it.

The provision of a space equipped to develop the information days, training workshops and mentoring and mentoring and finally, making available to the participants of the EMPA project, within its infrastructure possibilities, a coworking space where they can go to develop their business projects until their completion.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla

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